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Thank you for read this blog, where my thoughts will fly and are shared with you, my Dear Reader... enjoy! ( feel free to comment and agree/disagree too!)
Well, After my intial awakening back in 2015, things have NEVER been the same... I mean: I already knew some esotherical things and information, but, like many people: just read and try to apply that info, with not much success.... until someone (my niece, actually) share with me: https://bibliotecapleyades.net/ and from there the voyage began: when I saw that post from Co.Bra, well, something shook my head (like a bell in the middle of the night) and resonate so hard, so deep, I just could not avoid it, or ignore it and scroll down... then I made the read of the previous blogs, wich led o even MORE research on several subjects... took me 2-3 nights in a row. THAT deep it was for me that discovery.
Then, the travel continued... more research, more information, more research, Truth written in the middle of an article, here and there... it has been quite an amazing journey so far... but...
I realized that things would never been the same again: the change started with my " friends" of that time, the switch to a higher and better vibes started: a lost of so called "friends" took a little while, but it worth every effort! also the meditation Quest ( you know: when you start to find wich technique can help you more and so) I have found my own technique so far so, still searching. and a thought, or feel sometimes comes to me... what IF??
What IF ... so many posibilites to input here
What IF... all of this is Fake?
What IF... all is a big scam?
What IF... Co.Bra comes to be a cult of some sort?
What IF... there is no First Contact/Event?
What IF... There IS First Contact/Event?
What IF... What IF...What IF...

We can continue with the game of What IF... all night; it will never end. I have learned that each one of us got our own personal Internal War, skeletons in the closet, elephant in our room, internal ghosts, you name it! we can just plant seeds of doubt/info/truth in them and that's it! try to convince somebody from ANYTHING might not work, and can lead to an unnecesary results: fights, needless and bitter disagreements, sometimes can lead to a bigger fight and so on; sometimes because the opinions can be diverted, not accepted, or will try to impose one truth over the other, unless an agreement to disagree is reached beforehand, the results almost all the time will be not as good as we think it will.
But, the What IF... at the end of the day, the Truth does not care for your or my opinion, it is just IS. you can: embrace it, lose it, forget it, kick it, spit on it, hide it, and so on. it won't change the fact that IS The Truth. Try this at home ( if you already have, let me know!): Try to tell the REAL TRUTH of everything you see in a normal routine day: Not the truth that we SAY or THINK we say: but the ones that you could only tell if you were given Pentothal Sodium or if you were Drunk as F**K, and see what is the reaction of the people you told that Truth... when I did that, the reaction most of the times is rejection, denial or total resistance to it, (sometimes can be a cognitive dissonance) or the last resource: they give you a" OK agree with you" kinda thing and left you alone.
What I mean is that the Truth is not always what we want, but what we need. Even ( or even better?) if it is NOT what we want to hear... so, if all of the Co.Bra blog came out to be fake: does not going to change the Fact that I woke up before find out his blog. Does not change the Fact that: I discovered MYSELF How to meditate, and found what best suits me in order to do it. I did it for and By MYLSELF to help MYSELF. if I cannot help myself... How the F**k am I going to even pretend to help others? isn't that stupid? and besides: in a certain way you can do both things: be nice with others, smile, lend a hand, stop judging others in your mind, (realize how many times you and I judge all the people we see everyday... it's amazing) and help yourself in the process.
At the end of the day you are free to believe whatever the hell you want.... Free Will my friend! we are on the verge of BIG changes ahead, all what we have learned so far, is only the introduction, the epilogue of what's coming... believe me, is bigger than you think. ( in someway, you know it, right?)
If this blog: www.2012portal,blogspot.com is a fake thing, is OK, McDonalds and Nestle are selling crap... still on sale and you buy those ones....
If you don't believe in what is written there ( and/or here): STOP READING IT! turn a blind eye, and that'll do it. carry on with your life, sooner or later the Light will reach you, there is no Escape anyway: we are Light.
I wrote this one, well, got not reason really, just happened. Thanks for your time reading this my firend, and...

Let The Light of Goddess Be With You!
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